The Psychosocial Impact of Breast cancer: Understanding and Addressing Emotional Challenges.
Cancer in our culture is still considered a stigma. This is due to a lack of knowledge and awareness regarding the facts surrounding cancer care and treatment. It adds to the distress felt by the patient and his/ her relatives following the diagnosis of cancer the diagnosis creates a cauldron of emotions, ranging from disbelief to sadness, from shock to fear, and in our culture, feelings of guilt and shame.
Every day many women in India face a diagnosis of breast cancer and of 1.5 lakh diagnosed per year, 50% will die of the disease. This occurs due to late diagnosis and lack of access to good cancer treatment. Breast cancer is one of the fast growing cancers in India affecting women, young and old, rural and urban, literate and illiterate. It makes up 14% of all cancers diagnosed in our country.
The most common psychological concerns of women with breast cancer are:
- Physical symptoms especially the side effects of treatments – The fear of losing hair due to chemotherapy is real. Long hair is a sign of beauty in our culture.
- Change in Body Image due to the possibility of losing a Breast during surgery.
- Fear of recurrence which overshadows their daily living after the treatment is over.
- Social isolation especially among the lower and uneducated classes. Women are actually ostracized from social and religious functions.
- Change in familial relationships where husbands have left their wives after the diagnosis of breast cancer and some even remarry.
- Financial setbacks and concerns. Many take loans for cancer treatment or then are forced to go to small hospitals and nursing homes where substandard treatment is given.
- Change in sexuality especially in younger women in their 30s and 40s where chemotherapy and hormonal therapy greatly reduces their sexual desire.
Most women, with or without psychosocial support, will eventually cope with the psychological problems. A small proportion, however, will experience persistent distress and require psychological interventions to deal with it. It is imperative, therefore, for the treating oncologist to be patient and understand the psychology of the patient before treating the disease.
Dr. Shona Nag is widely recognized as one of the best oncologists in Pune, earning her reputation through years of dedicated service and expertise in cancer treatment. She is acclaimed for her specialization in breast cancer, making her one of the best breast cancer specialists in Pune. Dr. Nag's compassionate approach, combined with her extensive knowledge, ensures her patients receive the best possible care. Her commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in oncology has solidified her position as the best cancer specialist in Pune. Dr. Shona Nag's comprehensive and patient-centric treatment plans make her a highly sought-after oncologist in the region.
Therefore it is not just the physical aspect of Breast cancer that needs attention. The mental health is also equally important. A Comprehensive Cancer Centre should offer the services of a mental health professional to help patients navigate the difficult experience of Breast cancer. However, in centres where such interventions are not available, treating doctors can help in reducing distress.
There are several ways of accomplishing this:
- Ensure that the patient and relatives have a basic understanding of the disease and its treatment
- Include the patient as a part of the treatment team
- Acknowledge psycho-social distress as normal
- Consider medications if the problem seems severe
Treating cancer like a bunch of abnormal cells is not the aim of a good treatment plan, it is about empowering women to more than live. It is empowering them to thrive.
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